


 ….They alone live, who live for others

                   – Swami Vivekananda


Kakatiya Film Festival, an initiative by Samachara Bharati Cultural Association has announced the first edition of a short film competition, Ek Bharat, Samaras Bharat.

Film making is a medium that enables sensitive portrayal of observations from the society. The festival aims to bring to fore creative talent of the youth and provide them with an opportunity to showcase their thoughts, empathy and breadth of vision.

Another objective is to popularise the use of films to spread the ideas of service, harmony and to intensify social concern and awareness among people.

The themes for this competition are:


  • Samarasta  (Social Harmony)
  • Seva (Service)
  • Jagarukta (Awareness)




Samrasta (Social Harmony)

 Our country is going through a very crucial phase of its evolution. The social, cultural and economic development that all of us want is impossible without social harmony. Entries in the competition can touch on some of the following things that can help social harmony:

  • Eradication of social discrimination
  • Equal access to places of worship, water bodies and cremation/ burial grounds
  • Amicably resolving conflicts between castes and groups
  • Creating awareness and educating people in building fraternal relations among various communities
  • Uniting people to rise above caste identity for larger social and national cause
  • Strengthening the common threads among sometimes visible differences
  • Any other aspect that the film maker thinks would fit in the segment


Seva (Service)

Service to man is service to God. As the nation grows, it is important to draw the underprivileged into the social and national mainstream. Entries can touch on the following service initiatives :

  • Individual / group initiatives to bring positive change and empowerment in societyby focussing on education, healthcare, confidence building((swabhimaan ) , vocational training.
  • Relief activities during natural calamities and disasters
  • Individual / group initiatives being run for the marginalised / forgotten or discriminated sections of society.
  • Any other aspect that the film maker thinks would fit in the segment


Jagrukta (Social Awareness)

Change is the only constant, it is said. And, awareness is fundamental to change . Entries in the competition can touch on the following areas that urgently require change

  • Security
  • Corruption
  • Environmental issues such as global warming, pollution and deforestation
  • Civic issues Water conservation, environment, swachh Bhaarat etc
  • Awareness on consumption of alcohol, gambling.
  • Family values
  • Any other aspect that the film maker thinks would fit in the segment